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Advantages of Regular Maintenance from Plumbing in Sherwood Park Service

Water leaks can affect the structural integrity of your house, weakening foundations, and unfixed plumbing issues lead to inflated utility bills. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that over one trillion gallons of water are lost through water leaks annually. That's enough water to support eleven million homes for an entire year. Establishing annual or semi-annual maintenance schedules with your Plumbing Sherwood Park may help identify minor plumbing issues before they escalate into catastrophic problems.

Here are seven benefits of regular plumbing maintenance.

1. Enhanced Water Quality

Over time, plumbing pipes can deteriorate, exposing metal parts to rust corrosion that contaminates your water supply. Plumbing leaks create water patches that support the growth of bacteria colonies like Legionella, giardia, and Cryptosporidium. Regular maintenance is vital in identifying the sources of contamination and rectifying them early.

2. Reduced Water Bills

A single drop of water every two seconds can waste up to 3,000 gallons of water annually, causing your utility bills to soar. Scheduled maintenance is effective in reducing water wastage, which leads to cost savings. The EPA indicates that simply replacing a malfunctioning toilet can help save over 13,000 gallons of water annually.

3. Improved Water Pressure

Low water pressure during showers can be highly frustrating. Water leaks can significantly affect water pressure, resulting in lower flow rates at some faucets and sinks throughout your home. Rectifying these issues can help restore water pressure to optimal levels.

4. Extended Lifespan of Your Plumbing System

Regular plumbing maintenance enhances the functionality and efficiency of your water piping system. Excessive water pressure and vibrations can strain joints and pipes, potentially leading to pipe bursts. Water leaks can also damage your water appliances, causing water accumulation at the base of the equipment.

5. Enhanced Air Quality

Cracked or faulty pipes that lead to water leaks can negatively affect the air quality in your home. The moisture from leaks provides an ideal environment for mold growth. The musty, stale air can strain your HVAC system, leading to increased energy consumption. Repairs to leaking pipes can eliminate the mold problem permanently.

6. Prevention of Plumbing Emergencies

Ignoring plumbing issues allows them to worsen over time, causing extensive damage to your property. Pipe bursts can wreak havoc in your home, damaging walls, floors, and ceilings. With regular maintenance, local plumbers can identify minor issues before they escalate into full-blown disasters that require emergency repairs.

7. Enhanced Home Value

Plumbing systems account for 10% of the total value of your home. Regular maintenance schedules help keep the system functional, thus improving the overall value of your home.


Plumbing issues can wreak havoc in your home, affecting its structural integrity and inflating utility bills. Through regular maintenance, you can reap numerous benefits, including improved water quality, reduced water bills, better water pressure, prolonged plumbing system lifespan, enhanced air quality, improved family health, prevention of plumbing emergencies, and an increase in your home's overall value. A small investment in regular Plumbing Sherwood Park maintenance can yield significant long-term advantages.

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